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Dual Meets are competitions between 2 teams.  The Cordettes have 4 meets over the season against 4 other teams in the league.  Meets always take place on a Wednesday evening at 5pm. 

A typical meet schedules is as follows...

5pm:  Arrive at pool and meet in team area.
Followed by...
Home team Novice Warm-up
Away team Novice Warm-up
Officials Meeting
Routine Compeition
Novice Figure Competition
Both team Intermediate Warm-up
Intermediate Figure Competition

Meets end at approximately 9pm but can run shorter or longer depending on the number of swimmer entries.

Swimmers must compete in 2 of the 4 dual meets in order to qualify for Championship competition.  No qualifying placement in these meets is required, only that they participate.

Dual Meets

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